StartseitedeutschSunday, day +86: a good afternoon at home, ein guter Nachmittag zu Hause


Sunday, day +86: a good afternoon at home, ein guter Nachmittag zu Hause — 4 Kommentare

  1. What can I say? Your tenacity is admirable and your mood remarkable, especially considering the possibility of having to watch Luka go through another daunting stem cell transplant.

    On a lighter note, I helped at the school’s May Fair yesterday: ironically, our class stall was the sale of books and, as I arranged them into different sections, I imagined filling up Luka’s „bookcases“ so that he wouldn’t need another donation . . . If only it were that simple for him.

    With admiration and hope.

    Isabel xxxxxxxxxx

  2. Ihr seid echt alle bewundernswert hart drauf. Hut ab.
    Aber vermutlich entstehen in Körper und Geist ungeahnte Energien in solchen Situationen.
    Und wir senden ja auch immer ‚good vibrations‘. 🙂

    Fühlt Euch fest gedrückt von den Stelzers

  3. Hallo, Eva hier! Was für ein kleiner Held der Luka ist, und wie toll, dass Ihr dank moderner Technologie alle so super auf dem Laufenden halten könnt! Ich denke oft an Euch und Euer Leben zwischen Krankenhaus und Heim und hoffe immer nur, dass Ihr bald mal wieder Luft holen könnt, und zwar alle 6 (und natürlich auch alle anderen die so mithelfen und mitleiden)! Ich drücke Euch weiter die Daumen! Dicken Kuss

  4. Hi Steffie, Luka and lovely Stroh family,

    Sorry to hear you are having such an unsettling time – so many ups and downs! We are all hoping and praying that the cannula will do the trick and that blood counts will continue to rise and Luka will not require more stem cells! You are constantly in our thoughts and prayers and we hope to hear some good news tomorrow.

    It sounds like you are backwards and forewards between home and hospital and no doubt value your home time greatly, so we will not interrupt you. However, please, please let us know if there is anything we can do to help and, if you feel like popping in for a chat, I would love to give you a hug (sending you a virtual hug anyway!)!
    Lots of love,
    Liz, Andrew & Josh xxx

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